The fundamental principle of Plant Health Care (PHC) is that the entire landscape is a managed unit and should be viewed as an ecosystem.  One of the most important factors of Plant Health Care is monitoring your trees and shrubs.  Scouting your property by a well-trained arborist or plant health care specialist will produce a wealth of information about the condition of the plant material and how best to improve and maintain maximum health and beauty.  The KEY to assure your surroundings are as healthy as possible is a visual assessment.

Scouting includes:

  • Identification of plant material
  • Examination of plant material and determination of plant health
  • Identification of abnormalities
  • Cause of plant problems due to insect, disease or abiotic disorders.
  • Soil type and soil health (a soil analysis for nutrient levels and PH is highly recommended).
  • Plant location and any activity or other factors that have the potential to affect the health of your plants.
  • Gathering any history about the landscape that may have an effect on the plant.

The plant health care specialist will use over 20 identifiers to thoroughly determine best practices to produce a vibrant landscape and ensure longevity.

Although scouting can be done throughout the year Camelot Tree & Shrub has determined that Late-Summer and Early-Fall is the best time to monitor because of the amount of information that can be collected and because autumn is the time to provide services that will have the greatest impact for long – term benefits.

After the scouting assessment, a report is then prepared with analysis and recommendations for care.

*Exam fee is $49 for the assessment of your trees and/or shrubs by one of our ISA Certified Arborists or Plant Health Care Technicians.